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Develop your psychic and spiritual faculties

We all have psychic and spiritual faculties in a latent state (intuition, clairvoyance, telepathy, mediumship, vision of the aura, astral travel, magnetism, dowsing ...) which only ask to be revealed. In this practical and accessible book, the author takes stock of your different potentials. Thanks to adapted exercises, you will gradually learn to perceive, touch, smell, and feel beyond the five physical senses, thus apprehending the invisible dimensions. In close contact with your most subtle abilities, you will discover unsuspected areas that will transform your outlook on the world around you ... We are spiritual beings, let us not forget ...

Develop your psychic and spiritual faculties

  • SERGE BOUTBOUL has been teaching and disseminating psychic and spiritual awakening techniques for over twenty years through his courses, seminars, internships and conferences which have raised awareness among a large audience. He is the author of the bestsellers Develop your psychic and spiritual faculties, How to perceive and act on the subtle worlds around us, How to deploy the spiritual being that we are and of the boxes Develop your energy potentials and Awaken your subtle faculties.
